Dear Traders,
"We have not any branch or sister concerns in India. If a person told you that he/she is employee of smart money Financial services and demands the money in any suspicious bank (saving to current), so it is our request that please don't deposit any money in those accounts and complaint us immediately. The smart money financial services and its proprietor will be not responsible, in case you deposit the money."
This is to inform you that, Smart Money Financial Services has observed that, traders are getting fake , fraud sms from unknown sources by using our firm name or sms looks like similar format of Smart MoneyFS.
We request you please ignore that sms if you received to trade in BSE.
Smart MoneyFS is sending Actual sms to trade in NSE only.
It will very helpful, if you receive smart money sms to trade in BSE please let us know immediately, we have already raised complaint for the same.
Please let call us on 7987573460 (During 09:00am - 7:00 pm) or mail us info@smartmoneyfs.com.
"As per the Regulation 16 Securities and Exchange Board of India (Investment Advisore) Regulations,2013"
As Per the Regulation 15 (8) of the security Board of India (Investment Advisore) Regulations,2013 the KYC (Know Your Customer) and RP(Risk Profile) Process is Mandatory.